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“Students… your path will not always be easy, and your way forward will not always be clear …the greatest moments of your journey are the ones that still lie ahead.” President Barack Obama, Lake Area Technical College Commencement Address – May 8, 2015

At Lake Area Tech, faculty and staff work hard to keep our programs cutting-edge and our graduates happy. Our distinctive technical education provides students the tools needed to land a successful career in high-demand fields, whether it be right here in South Dakota or – across the globe!

Placement refers to the success rate of our graduates. Here at Lake Area Tech, we are extremely proud that 99 percent of our graduates are employed or are continuing their education six months following graduation. The figures are based on our latest placement report of the Class of 2023.
99% Placement Rate

Since 1965, student placement rates have been consistently high… and a great majority of Lake Area Tech graduates choose to make South Dakota their home.
82% of Lake Area Tech grads are employed in South Dakota

More than 23,000 students have graduated from Lake Area Tech since its inception in 1965. We are proud that a vast majority of new students choose to complete their course of study and graduate from Lake Area Tech.
Three-Year Graduation Rate: 70.9%

Our retention rate is also excellent! Lake Area Tech has consciously strived to retain our students, most recently by hiring a retention coordinator to assist and support students who may be at risk of dropping out due to academic performance or for non-academic reasons. We are ranked in some of the highest percentiles in the nation.
Retention Rate: 84%

Work ethics are high for Lake Area Tech students. While they are completing their studies, 75% of our students work part-time or full-time.
Student Employment: 75%

Through the generous support of businesses, alumni, and other friends of Lake Area Tech, our Foundation awarded more than $450,000 in scholarship support to Lake Area Tech students this past academic year.
Student Scholarships Awarded: $450,000

Aspen Workforce Playbook

Using concrete examples from high-performing community colleges, Aspen’s Workforce Playbook offers specific guidance about what colleges can do to build more effective workforce programs. See how Lake Area Tech’s best practices are highlighted!

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