Adult Education & Literacy
Free Adult Education Classes
The LATC Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program provides free educational classes, including 1) Adult Education, 2) Literacy, 3) Workplace Adult Education and Literacy, 4) Family Literacy, 5) English Language Acquisition, 6) Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education, 7) Workforce Preparation, or 8) Integrated Education and Training. All programs, activities, and services are accessible at no charge to eligible adults. Eligibility requirements include:
- Individuals who are 18 years of age or older
- Those who are NOT enrolled, or required to be enrolled, in a secondary school (documentation is required).
- Those who have skill needs in one or more of the following:
- Math
- Reading
- English Language proficiency
- Work Readiness
These skills reinforce workplace readiness, bolster transitions to job training and postsecondary education, and sustain a higher quality of life for South Dakotans. The Adult Education and Literacy Program is funded in part by Lake Area Technical College, United Way, and the SD Department of Labor under Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Participants in WIOA-funded programs are provided with the necessary support, education, and professional training to help them excel in a career path that will pay a living wage.
View list of Adult Education and Literacy Program providers.
Get Your GED Today!
Supported by:

Who is an Adult Learner? (Adult Education Learner fact sheet)
General Educational Development (GED®)
GED® Testing for Applicants Under the Age of 18
In South Dakota 16 and 17-year-olds seeking approval to earn their GED® credential must follow the steps on the SD Dept. of Labor Regulation website based on their current school status. A printable PDF with guidance on Earning Your GED® Credential Under 18 is also available.
Hultman, Marcia. “Workforce Services for Individuals.” Department of Labor and Regulation, 2016,
Success Stories
Read success stories to learn how employers and individuals have found workplace success through the Adult Education and Literacy Program.
LATC Watertown AEL Student Success Stories
We’re always happy to help! Get started by contacting our team today!

Derik Dillon
AEL Instructor – Watertown
(605) 882-5284, ext. 310