Precision Machining E-Degree

Note: This program is enrolling for Fall 2025.
Precision Machining is one of the most vital, highly skilled careers needed to keep America’s manufacturing quality second to none! As requested by former South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard, Lake Area Tech formatted our outstanding Precision Machining program into an online, hybrid format option, in addition to our on-campus program. The online curriculum design allows individuals who are currently employed full-time to also be a part-time Lake Area Tech student. After successfully completing the program, graduates can expect to advance to a highly paid, secure career as a machinist.
How does an E-Degree work?
As a Precision Machining e-degree student, you’ll take online courses through Lake Area Tech’s eLearning system. Most of your theory learning will be done at home, with shop time done on-campus to complete the hands-on program. So, you’ll only spend limited time on campus.
Why an E-Degree?
Lake Area Tech e-degrees are “hybrid” – an innovative blend of distance and on-campus learning. What’s great about that is you can keep your day job (work, raise kids) and still get a degree. With hybrid education, you get maximum flexibility to study when and where you want, but you’ll still get the chance to learn on-campus with Lake Area Tech instructors on selected projects.
How long will it take?
As an online student of our Precision Machining e-degree program, you’ll complete your Associate of Applied Science degree over six semesters and two summers part-time or four semesters full-time “learn where you earn” program. See the course outlines below. During that time, you’ll learn the working properties of metals, and how to use both manual and computer-controlled methods to produce machined products. While the majority of your theory studies will be online, the shop on campus will be made available with staffed instructors 40 hours a week for you to have access to the hands-on learning required to complete projects using our manual and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines.
Do you have what it takes to be a successful online learner? Find out by taking this brief survey covering topics related to online learning such as study habits, learning preferences, self-directedness, technology skills, and computer equipment capabilities. Upon completion of the survey, you’ll be given feedback regarding how successful you’d be an as online student based on the answers you provided. The survey is strictly a tool for you to use when weighing the pros and cons of online learning. The results are not used in determining your admission into the program, should you choose to apply. Why wait?
Lab Information
Accomplishing labs in the online environment is highly dependent on what resources a student has available to them locally. Students with a business partner may be able to accomplish some labs locally, and have their skills checked off by Lake Area Tech instructors “learn where you earn.” Others may need to come to Lake Area Tech to accomplish their labs and gain the competencies they need. A hybrid full-time student will need a minimum of 12 to 16 hours per week of machine or lab time to acquire the baseline skills required to be successful. A hybrid part-time student will need a minimum of five hours per week to meet requirements. The actual lab time may vary depending upon student aptitude, proficiency, and level of experience.
Will you be a successful online student?
Take this short Online Survey!
Earning an online degree in Precision Machining is possible! Give us a call today or contact us online with any questions you might have.