Elizabeth Snyder

A 2010 graduate of Lake Area Technical College’s Practical Nursing program, Liz joined the Lake Area Technical College nursing staff in August 2015. After receiving her diploma, she went on to earn her Bachelor of Nursing degree from USD in 2014. Prior to that, Liz received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from USD in 2005 and Master of Science degree in Counseling from USD in 2007. She was a counselor at the Waverly/South Shore school for three years before returning to school for nursing. Liz continues to work PRN at Prairie Lakes Hospital where she was a registered nurse on the Med/Surg/Peds floor for one year and a circulating nurse in the operating room for two and a half years. Liz and her husband, Mike, live in Watertown. Mike is an accountant at Vilhauer, Raml and Snyder. They have two children, Devon and Arianna. In her free time, she enjoys reading, exercising, fishing, running, listening to music, and attending her kids’ activities.
Elizabeth Snyder