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Agriculture Commodity Merchandising Option

Wanted: Commodity Merchandisers! This 20-month option will prepare you to buy and sell commodities in the cash market, coordinate grain transportation, and offer financial advice. You’ll also set prices and do purchasing for grain elevators on a local level. If you want a great career in a rural location, this option is for you!

As a student in the Commodity Merchandising Option, you’ll get plenty of interactive, practical experience. You can expect courses in: Accounting, Seed and Grain Technology, Financial Management, Commodity Marketing and Merchandising, Co-op Principles, and more! To make sure you are as ready as possible for a great career – we also require two business internships.

Along with big changes in the agricultural industry – including the increasing globalization of the marketplace – there is a large and growing need for savvy commodity merchandisers. As a graduate of this program you can expect outstanding opportunities and a great income!

Contact us with questions or apply now.

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Business Partners

It Customer Support Specialist
Butler Cat Refinish
Agronomy Sales Internship (summer 2020)
Builddakota Valleyqueen
Wilbur Ellis Refinish
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