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Agriculture Production Option

Build Dakota Scholarship Fund Logo

The training you need. Farming is a complex business, and today’s farmers should be fully equipped. At Lake Area Tech, you’ll get hands-on training with the latest technology. You’ll also learn the best up-and-coming practices, so you can return to your farm or ranch and make it thrive.

This option offers the unique chance to tailor your training by choosing classes that fit your goals. Get instruction – and plenty of practical experience – in animal nutrition, crop science, marketing, fer­til­iz­ers, livestock de­vel­op­ment and main­te­nance, farm machinery, farm management, de­ci­sion-making, record-keeping, planning and farm accounting.

Students in this option also received hands-on training and planning opportunities at the Lake Area Tech demonstration farm northwest of Watertown.

If you want to return to the farm or ranch, this option is designed for you! The coursework can be tailored to meet your individual needs. Contact us with questions.

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Business Partners

It Customer Support Specialist
Butler Cat Refinish
Agronomy Sales Internship (summer 2020)
Builddakota Valleyqueen
Wilbur Ellis Refinish
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