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Lake Area Tech Ag Demonstration Farm

Lake Area Technical College’s demonstration farm provides our agriculture students valuable hands-on learning experiences on a working farm. From spring planting through fall harvest, students are involved in planning and carrying out farm management best practices. The farm includes 70 acres of tillable farmland located just northwest of Watertown. The acres are divided into four fields, each of which has a specific crop demonstration purpose for the growing year. The demonstrations are based on new ag practices being introduced to market.

LATC receives valuable support from local and regional ag industry partners that donate equipment, seed, chemicals, and more to the demonstration farm. This support from local implement dealers, the elevator, and seed and chemical companies, enables our students to incorporate current best practices in agriculture using the latest technologies and products.

To optimize planting, fertilizing, and harvesting strategies at the farm, precision technologies are incorporated. At the farm, students learn and use technologies like GPS, yield maps, auto-guidance equipment, and variable-rate technology.

The Agriculture Advisory Board, a group of area ag leaders, meet during the year to advise program instructors on best practices in the industry. The group provides direction on crop rotation, farm management approaches, technology, and other aspects important to successful ag strategies.

In addition to providing hands-on, real-world experiences for our ag students, public plot tours are offered, which highlight the demonstrations being conducted during the current growing season.

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