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Why Online?

We briefly discussed in the previous section some of the advantages of becoming an online learner. Here, we’ll explore those and other advantages to online learning. Do some of these advantages apply to you and your current situation?

  1. Flexible Scheduling – As an online learner, you can access your coursework at any time and from anywhere via computer. Classes are available when you are available. If you have a job, a family, or are a long distance from LATC, you can still attend class and complete your coursework
  2. Course Options and Distance Learning – You may already have a career but are you looking for a change? Online learning allows you to continue your education without giving up your current job. There are many areas of study to choose from to fit your needs and we may offer online courses that may not be available in your community.
  3. Ease of Use – Online learning is easy to use. The lectures can be reviewed multiple times, unlike an on-campus class that is only delivered once. Assignments are submitted, reviewed, and sent back for your learning convenience. Emailing your instructor with questions will help keep you on the path to success.
  4. Study Time – Taking an online course allows you more freedom than a rigid on-campus schedule. Many online courses have a course schedule, but you are free to study when it’s convenient for you. You may have days where you can study in 15-minute chunks and other days when you may have an hour or more. The lectures and lessons can be paused so that you may take notes or continue at another time.
  5. Freedom from Distractions – Many students find a traditional on-campus class includes distractions and interactions. Online courses allow you the freedom to study without distractions on your own time. If you miss student interaction, many online courses have forum postings that allow conversations and even questions with others about their learning.
  6. Saves Money – Many online students find they save money by not having to commute to campus: no parking fees, no babysitting fees, no extra transportation fees, and no time off work. Some courses also offer an e-text book, which may also help save money.
  7. Uses of Technology – Many students enjoy using different types of technology that are available today. Online learning utilizes live and captured lecture videos and demonstrations, quizzes, webinars, forums, blogs and hyperlinks to off-site learning pages. All are great ways to find what works best for your learning success.
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