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UpSkill Certifications at Lake Area Tech

Lake Area Technical College offers certificate programs in high demand fields for eligible South Dakotans who wish to expand their skillsets through the SD UpSkill program. UpSkill is a partnership between the South Dakota Board of Technical Education and the Department of Labor and Regulation (DLR) that provides funding for eligible individuals to obtain a certificate at Lake Area Tech or any SD Technical College.

UpSkill programs are available for people who have obstacles to overcome to secure employment. Eligibility criteria vary and can include: being laid off from a job, being low income, or having a disability. Take the next step to succeed in today’s strong economy.

Online Certificates

South Dakota’s four technical colleges have developed several certificate programs offered in a variety of high-demand career fields.  All certificates were built using existing academic programs/curriculum and will be approved by the Higher Learning Commission and the Board of Technical Education. The certificates will be added to the Eligible Training Provider list (ETPL), in partnership with the DLR.


Certifications will be offered in Spring 2024 and Fall 2024.


Affordability is a key element of the UpSkill program and, in many cases, students will earn a certificate at no cost. The education stabilization funds awarded by the Governor will support tuition costs. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds may also be available to cover additional certification fees including books, supplies, and tools.

How to Apply for a Certification at Lake Area Tech

At Lake Area Tech, all prospective students first need to complete the LATC admissions application by clicking on the APPLY NOW button on the left. All of the UpSkill offerings are listed together under the “Programs” dropdown menu on the application page. Once determined eligible, the participant’s information will be forwarded to the DLR and he or she will be assigned a Case Manager, who will provide student support for the remainder of the course of study.

The following UpSkill certifications are offered at Lake Area Tech. Click to view the course outlines.

Coming soon.

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