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Alumni Impact

The following table indicates the economic impact Lake Area Tech alumni make in Codington County and the 10 counties of northeast South Dakota. This was compiled in June of 2016.

The figures do not factor for “unemployed” alumni. Additionally, the total of distributable income has not been adjusted to account alumni who are married living in one household.

Even with those two slight adjustments, the annual economic “buying power” of alumni in this 10 county cluster is significant at over $440M. These alumni own businesses, purchase homes and raise families. They utilize financial, health and dental services and purchase consumable products such as gas, utilities, implements, automobiles, clothing, groceries etc.

Lake Area Tech Alumni provide additional stability to this area by filling needed employment roles in the health, energy, transportation, manufacturing, trade, business and technology fields.

County*Population*Alumni in CountyAlumni RatioPercentage of County PopulationCounty Median Household Income**Available Distributable Income by Alumni
Codington27,93933061 out of 911.83%$47,891$158,327,646
Grant7,142t5401 out of 137.56%$51,277$27,689,580
Deuel4,3333831 out of 118.84%$52,717$20,190,611
Hamlin6,0475541 out of 119.16%$56,134$31,098,236
Clark3,6593451 out of 119.43%$49,016$16,910,520
Day5,5394071 out of 147.35%$37,901$15,425,707
Brown38,78510221 out of 382.64%$36,531$37,334,682
Marshall4,7692131 out of 234.47%$51,579$10,986,327
Roberts10,3114261 out of 254.13%$48,441$20,635,866
Spink6,5244171 out of 146.39%$49,627$20,694,459
Beadle18,3724811 out of 382.62%$44,258$21,288,098
Kingsbury4,9904441 out of 118.90%$52,522$23,319,768
Brookings33,8977841 out of 432.31%$48,406$37,950,304
Totals172,30793221 out of 125.41% $441,851,804

*US Census July 2015 Estimate
**US Census 2010-1014 American Community Survey

The map below provides a count of alumni for each county in South Dakota as well as many of the counties in neighboring states.

Latc Alumni County Map
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