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Laptop Information

All Lake Area Technical College students must have a laptop. Purchasing a laptop at the Lake Area Tech Stax Bookstore is required of students in specific programs, but we encourage all students to consider buying theirs through Stax.  If you are a student enrolled in a company sponsored program or receiving a Build Dakota Scholarship please check with the Lake Area Tech Foundation Office to see if the laptop is covered as part of the agreement.

Programs requiring students to purchase a laptop through the bookstore include:

Lenovo ThinkPad E16 Gen 1

  • Energy Operations/Energy Technology

Lenovo ThinkPad P16s Gen 2

  • Electronic Systems Technology
  • Precision Machining
  • Robotics
  • Computer Information Systems (or compatible system approved by CIS instructor)
  • Photography/Media (or compatible system approved by Photography instructor)

If your program is not listed above, you are still required to have a laptop for class that is compatible with one of the models offered by Lake Area Tech. However, purchasing a laptop from the Stax Bookstore is not mandatory. (See below for specs)

Computer Spec Sheet Combined 1

**Lake Area Tech does not support Chromebooks


Further Questions? Stop into the Information Technology Department or email

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