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2025 Commencement Ceremony

Lake Area Technical College
Fifty-Eighth Annual Commencement Ceremony
Friday, May 16, 2025

TIME: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (approx.) Doors will open at 2:30 pm for guests.  Students must report and be seated in the DD Miller Auditorium by 3:30 pm.
LOCATION:  Watertown Civic Arena, 200 9th Street NE, Watertown, SD
Google map location: Click here 

FREE COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY TICKETS: Due to limited seating in the Watertown Civic Arena, Lake Area Tech has developed a ticketed only event for the guests.  Each graduate will be allowed 6 free tickets for friends and family.  Graduates will “order” the number they need and request extra if necessary.  If all of the tickets are not claimed by the day before graduation, we will release the extras and will contact the graduate notifying that there are extras available.  Graduates can place their order for tickets by going to, MyPortal – Graduation tab. Once the order is placed, tickets will be delivered to your program the day before graduation for distribution. Only individuals with tickets will be allowed into the graduation ceremony (including infants/children).

GRADUATION INVITATIONS: Many graduates choose to create their own invitation.  To request use of the official Lake Area Technical College logo, please contact STAX Bookstore and one will be emailed free of charge.  Lake Area Technical College does adhere to specific brand standards and we ask that the logo not be altered in any manner. 

PHOTOGRAPHY: Lake Are Technical College does not provide a professional photographer for individual graduate photos. Typically, graduates gather early in the lobby of the Watertown Civic Arena to take candid photos of friends and classmates prior to the ceremony.  A Lake Area Tech College backdrop is provided in the lobby.  Often, family and friends position themselves briefly at the foot of the stage to take a photo as their graduate receives their diploma.  Photos can also be taken on the stage immediately after graduation.  Lake Area Technical College marketing staff and the Photo/Media students will be on-site taking photos and will post them on Lake Area Tech’s social media outlets. Please feel free to like and share. 

LIVE STREAMING: If the graduate cannot attend the in-person ceremony or has family and friends who are unable to attend, the event will be live-streamed on Lake Area Technical College’s YouTube channel. It will also be available on our Facebook page and in the Student Commons of the Student Center.

DIPLOMAS:  Lake Area Technical College diploma covers will be handed to each graduate as they cross the stage.  The actual diploma will not be distributed the day of graduation but will be mailed to the graduate after all requirements and grades have been verified.  This process takes time so don’t expect a diploma to arrive until mid-summer.  Those who finish in July can expect diplomas to be mailed late August.  No diploma or transcript will be released if the student has any unpaid financial obligations on campus.  If the graduate is unable to attend in-person, both the diploma cover and diploma will be sent through the mail. 

REGALIA: Graduation is a time to celebrate the start of your next chapter! To ensure you look your best as you cross the stage, be sure to order your FREE graduation regalia (cap and gown) today! Visit: between now and February 3, 2025 to place your order. There is no charge, but it is important you place your order now, as there will be no opportunity to order following the February 3, 2025 deadline.

Students will be notified when the gowns will be available for pick-up in the STAX Bookstore (typically in early March).  If there is a problem with the gown, please contact the STAX Bookstore personnel immediately.  Make sure the gown is pressed prior to the ceremony (use the low setting on your iron).  Dress clothes and nice shoes are suggested.  Cosmetology students will be available to help with cap pinning if needed. Make sure you don’t lose your tassel when carrying your mortar board.   Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap before the ceremony and are then moved from the right side to the left after receiving a diploma or when directed to do so by the graduation speaker. For questions please contact STAX Bookstore.

CONCLUSION OF CEREMONY:  The President of Lake Area Technical College will recognize the graduates and wish them well.  At that point, graduates may toss their mortar boards in the air in celebration of their accomplishment.

RECEPTIONS ON CAMPUS: Lake Area Technical College will host a simple, free reception on campus both before (1-3 pm) and after (5:30-7:00 pm) the graduation ceremony.  Complimentary coffee, soda and sweets will be provided in the Student Center/Student Commons.  The campus will be open from 8:00 AM-8:00 PM for self-guided tours.  For other places to hold a reception/dine in Watertown go to:

HANDICAP REQUESTS: Graduates will ascend and descend a small set of stairs to cross the stage to receive their diploma cover.  If a graduate has a physical challenge that may make this difficult, please contact Eric Schultz, Director of Enrollment at and we will make sure a ramp is used instead of the stairs.  If guests are attending that need extra assistance, wheelchairs will be available and located at the entrance as well as handicapped seating. 


Commencement Ceremony Rehearsal

DATE: May 16, 2025

TIME:  10:00 am

LOCATION:  DD Miller Auditorium/Watertown Civic Arena – both are located across the street to the west of the Lake Area Technical College campus. 

Rehearsal will take approximately 2 hours and it is important that you attend.

NAME PRONUNCIATION:  Lake Area Technical College staff will be reading your name at the graduation ceremony.  They may contact you ahead of time regarding the correct pronunciation of your name.

INSTRUCTIONS: Rehearsal is Friday, May 16th at 10:00 am at the DD Miller Auditorium.  It will take approximately 2 hours and it is important that you attend.  Please make every effort to be there.  Your program faculty may wish to meet with you before or after rehearsal. 

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