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Library Digital Resources

To access these databases off-campus, please click on this Portal link to find the access codes for the database that you need. This information is located in Portal > Campus Life > Library Resources.

For assistance, feel free to stop by the library or use the contact information below.

Email: or Phone: 605.882.5284 ext. 235.

General Searches About Virtually Any Topic

Ebsco Host

Search journal, magazine, and newspaper articles about virtually any topic.

ERIC – Education Resources Info

Locate professional educational research and information.

Gale in Context: College

Includes newspaper and magazine articles, video and audio resources, and ebooks about current topics.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Students can dive deeper with periodical content that covers current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, political science, and more.


Locate journal, magazine, and newspaper articles about virtually any topic.

SIRS Researcher

Provides the pros & cons of social issues from relevant & credible sources.

E-Books About Virtually Any Topic

Ebsco eBooks

Locate on-line books.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Locate on-line reference books to find basic information on any topic.

World Book

Locate information about any topic through this on-line encyclopedia.

Business Focus

Gale Business Insights

Essentials Offers a convenient and comprehensive way to research and compare companies and industries.

Health Care Focus

Gale Nursing and Allied Health Collection

Includes more than 1,000 authoritative nursing and allied health titles.

Gale Health Reference Center Academic

Includes up-to-date information on the complete range of health care topics. With more than 2,500 full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries.

ICE (International Clinical Educators) Video Library Study Resource

Access a wide-range of short, patient-centered videos designed for the physical therapy and occupational therapy classroom.

Kanopy Study Resources

Offers an on-demand streaming video platform that provides viewers access to a large collection of award-winning films and documentaries.

General Education Focus

PsychiatryOnline DSM

Provides online access to the DSM


Locate full-text psychology journal articles.

Digital Study Resources

Learning Express Study Resources

Access online tutoring (basic math, language arts, science, Spanish) and test preparation materials designed to help students successfully pass academic, entrance, and licensing exams.

Gale Interactive Human Anatomy Study Resources

Includes 3D human anatomy models to practice labeling and learning concepts about human anatomy and physiology

Non-Academic Reading

Overdrive LIBBY E-books and Audiobooks

Download fiction and nonfiction audiobooks and eBooks in numerous categories. 


Libby App for Overdrive – How to Download

Printing From Your Personal Computer

Instructions on how to use LATC Webprint

LATC Webprint

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