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Parking On Campus

Finding the perfect parking spot can sometimes feel challenging. To make this process easier and more convenient, Lake Area Technical College has designated each of its parking lots as: Premium, General, or Economy. The parking lot designations correspond with three different parking permits which are available to all LATC students. And, the best part is that YOU can choose the one you want! Only ONE pass is needed per student! It can be easily moved to another vehicle.

Choose from Three Parking Permit Options

Premium Parking is provided at the center of campus, between our MET and Student Services Center. This lot provides premium parking spaces and a handful of Visitor, Staff, and Accessible parking spaces. These permits will be sold on a first-come basis and allow the holder to park in any of the following on-campus lot designations: Premium, General, and Economy.

General Parking is provided in six different on-campus lots. These lots literally surround our campus and provide general parking spaces and a number of Visitor, Staff, and Accessible parking spaces. These permits are sold on a first-come basis and allow the holder to park in any of the following on-campus lot designations: General and Economy.

Economy Parking is provided in three lots, located on the north and south ends of the Lake Area Technical College campus. These lots provide economy parking spaces and are sold on a first-come basis.

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Available in July

Parking permits go on sale July 15 through the LATC Student Portal. If you wish to wait and purchase your permit upon arrival on campus, please visit our Finance Office which is located in the Student Services Center. Permits will be sold on a first-come basis, so it’s a good idea to purchase one through the Portal if you know which is best for you.

Displaying Your Permit

Your parking permit must be hung from your rearview mirror or placed on the driver’s side dashboard whenever your vehicle is parked on campus. Failure to properly display your permit constitutes a parking violation. Transferring your parking permit to another person is prohibited and will result in a fine. Parking permits are assigned specifically to you and your vehicle(s) and may not be used by others. Please refrain from loaning your permit to others, which may result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges.

Permit Enforcement

The LATC parking lots are monitored daily from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Parking in an improper lot or failing to display your parking permit will result in a $50 fine. This fine is doubled in our Premium Parking lot, located between the MET and Student Services Center. All fines should be paid at the Lake Area Tech Finance Office, located in the Student Services Center.

Online and Evening Students

Students enrolled in LATC online courses are not required to have a parking permit when visiting campus for school-related purposes. Students visiting campus later than 3:30 p.m. are not required to display a valid parking permit.

Lost or Stolen Permits

Please report lost or stolen permits immediately to the Lake Area Technical College Finance Office.

Temporary Permits

Temporary Parking Permit Pick Up Locations:

  • MET/Ag Building – Bonita  Briggs
  • Admissions Office – Emily Campbell
  • Registration/Financial Aid Office – Krystal Kadoun
  • Library – Nikki Christensen
  • Prairie Lakes Health Center (north end of campus) – Holly Miller
  • Auto & Construction Building – Jessicca Geerdes
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