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Veterans’ Services

At Lake Area Technical College, we wholeheartedly thank all veterans for their service to our country. We appreciate your dedication to our nation and we are here to help you build on your military experience. Our veterans’ staff is committed to facilitating your success in post-secondary technical education. We offer veterans and their families a variety of on-campus services and benefits including:

  • Possible academic credit for your military experience, saving time and money. Click here for more details.
  • Application fee refunded to veterans. Please be sure to indicate in the comment portion of your application that you are a veteran AND mail a photocopy of your valid military ID card or a photocopy your DD214 to: Lake Area Tech Admissions, PO Box 730, Watertown, SD 57201.
  • Assistance with employment services
  • Veteran recognition events, including Constitution Day event
  • Veteran Ops Lounge in our Student Center
  • Counseling Services

Veterans’ Services Staff

Our Lake Area Tech staff and faculty are comprised of many veterans and military personnel including several instructors and staff.

Our veteran services staff assists veterans who wish to further their education at Lake Area Tech.

Julie Forman
On-Campus VA Certifying Official
On-Campus point of contact for GoArmyEd, SD National Guard, and SD Air National Guard

Veterans, are you looking for help in finding a career that’s similar to your military job? Click here for a Career Inventory Survey.

Veterans’ Benefits

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