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CDL Bridge Program

Lake Area Tech’s bridge program provides one of the first steps in a career pathway for low-skill adults by connecting adult education programs to postsecondary technical education.

Bridge programs help adult students identify career and education goals and develop the skills, content knowledge, and learning strategies they need to enter and succeed in postsecondary education and employment.  They combine basic skill instruction in reading, math, writing, and English language as well as provide preparation for the GED test. To get started please click on the links below to assess your reading and math abilities.  If you scored less than 80%, Lake Area Technical College (LATC) has resources available to help improve your reading and math skills or even obtain your GED. Our Adult Education and Literacy Program (AEL) office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm and is located in Room 218 in the 200 Building on LATC’s Main Campus.

Our highly qualified AEL Instructors tailor learning based on your needs and interests. The classes provide an open and stimulating learning environment. For more information visit the Lake Area Tech Adult Education and Literacy Program Website.

Reading Bridge Curriculum

Math Bridge Curriculum

Successful bridge programs have clearly defined program components; targeted professional development; and a multi-year period for development, implementation, and refinement.  In addition, there are short- and long-term student and program outcomes as well as a data system that monitors student progress and follow-up. 

Lake Area Technical College Bridge Program Components
The key elements of a bridge program include coordination among Adult Basic Education (ABE), postsecondary education, and workforce development staff. 

Lake Area Tech’s Adult Education and Literacy Program – Emphasizes skills such as reading, writing, numeracy, English language competency, problem-solving, health literacy, digital literacy, and family literacy.

Click here to view other South Dakota Adult Education and Literacy Providers

Glacial Lakes Multicultural Center – Embraces and celebrates diverse cultures by promoting understanding and respect for all and by providing education, referrals, and multicultural resources.

SD Department of Labor & Regulation – Provides training and education to help individuals attain sustainable employment. 


Promoting College and Career Readiness: Bridge Programs for Low-Skill Adults 

Washington State’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) Program

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