Business Partners
Lake Area Technical College grads are in high demand. Industry partnerships are vital to the continued growth of Lake Area Tech and workforce development.
Recognizing, funding shortages, our Lake Area Tech Impact Partners generously provide financial contributions for campus improvements, program enhancements and scholarships; while donating equipment and materials for vital lab instruction.
Impact Partners also serve on program advisory boards which help to guide and develop curriculum.
Impact Partners . . . Building a Work Force Together:
Impact Partners commit to a formal partnership that includes a financial contribution of $100,000 or more over a five-year period.
Impact Partners receive significant corporate branding opportunities at Lake Area Tech through various avenues including internships, constant visibility through signage on campus, a website presence and recognition at events such as the Career Expo!
Impact Partner Acknowledgement:
- Inclusion on the Donor Recognition Wall in the Student Services Center
- An attractive partnership plaque featuring the corporate logo displayed in a high-student traffic area of the program most closely linked to the company
- Prominent listings in relevant publications such as the President’s Annual Report and the Alumni and Friends Newsletter.
- A web-link featuring the company on the Lake Area Tech website.
- Prominent, complimentary booth location and signage at campus career fairs. Impact Partners may also request a designated meeting area during these event for the purpose of conducting student interviews.
- First employment or internship recruitment visits on Campus. Impact Business Partners have the exclusive opportunity to recruit students at the beginning of each semester.
- Representation on program advisory boards and guest lecture opportunities.
Lake Area Technical College is grateful for our generous Impact Partners.
To learn more about an Impact Partner’s business in general or potential employment opportunities, click on any of the links below.
$1,000,000 + IMPACT PARTNERS: