“I’m IN” Capital Campaign Viewbook

Please click through the “I’m IN” Capital Campaign Viewbook to learn more about Lake Area Tech’s vision for an exciting, industry-facing future. Included in the viewbook are renderings of future training spaces that will be the catalyst for growing our critically needed workforce. Also included are enrollment projections that detail the vital need for expansion at Lake Area Tech, programs of study, profile information, and community, regional, and state endorsements.
Campaign Levels of Giving
Cornerstone Society
The “cornerstone” of Lake Area Technical College support, Cornerstone Society members are industry partners and individuals who give at the Pillar, Keystone, or Pinnacle level. For their significant commitment, Cornerstone Society members are honored with privileges that recognize their unique status, including classroom/lab name designation .
Impact Business Partner
Impact Business Partners provide funding for campus improvements, scholarship assistance, and training aids that contribute to student success through two levels of giving. Impact Partners actively take part in program development through Advisory Board participation and workshop/seminar coordination and are notably recognized for their generous support.
Alumni & Friends
We deeply appreciate the support of our Alumni and Friends of Lake Area Tech. By investing a gift – in the amount of their choosing – directed to the “I’m IN” Capital Campaign, Lake Area Tech will be better positioned to grow the available workforce in this region.
Facility Naming Rights
Individuals or businesses interested in pursuing naming rights for a facility on the Lake Area Tech campus should contact LATC Foundation Director Tracy (Hlavacek) Buisker at 605-882-5284 ext. 268 or tracy.buisker@lakeareatech.edu.