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Support LATC (Make A Gift)

Lake Area Tech continues to work hard to meet the growing needs of business and industry for a skilled workforce.

Our success is attributed to our exceptional faculty and staff, the great partnerships we have with business and industry, and amazing community and statewide support.

  • As enrollment increases – the role (and the responsibility) of the Foundation increases!
  • The Foundation received a record number of scholarship applicants this past spring demonstrating that the need for student scholarship opportunities continues to rise as well.
  • Thank you for providing support to help ensure we have continually support our students at Lake Area Technical College.

Making a gift “Today”

Cash Gifts: One of the most common gifts to the Lake Area Technical College Foundation is through a one-time cash contribution. Your gift can be designated to a particular scholarship, program or given as an unrestricted gift to be utilized where there is greatest need.

Endowments: are a huge part of Lake Area Techs Foundation. Endowed gifts are those given to the foundation that remain in eternity because only the income earned on the principal sum is awarded. Endowed gifts help provide for the future strength and sustainability of Lake Area Tech.

Scholarships: are one of Lake Area Tech’s greatest needs. Donors can choose to donate to an existing scholarship or create a named scholarship of their own. Over 90 percent of our students rely on financial aid, and more scholarships are always needed.

Restricted Gifts: allow donors to support a specific program at Lake Area Tech that is personally meaningful to them.

Matching Gifts: are a way to multiply your generosity through your employer’s matching gift program. Many companies will also match gifts made by retired employees, directors and spouses. Contact your human resources office to find out if your company has a matching gift policy.

Memorial and Honorary Gifts: honor someone special with a gift supporting Lake Area Tech.

Stock Gifts: support Lake Area Tech simply and quickly with gifts of appreciated stocks and mutual funds.

Non-Cash Gifts: such as such as pledges, gifts-in-kind and real estate, are accepted by the Lake Area Tech Foundation.

Planned Gifts: are carefully planned to help you meet your philanthropic and financial goals.

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