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Tips, FAQs, & Logging In

Student Login

If you are an applicant, please sign in using your MyPortal User Login + Use your MyPortal password as usual. Note: new students will need to be accepted into their program of choice before receiving MyPortal credentials.


  • My Portal Username:
    ° Example of username:
  • Password
    ° Use your MyPortal password as usual

If you need help with your MyPortal username login or password, please contact the Foundation office at 

Thank You Letters

Most of the scholarships through the Lake Area Technical College Foundation are made possible by contributions from generous donors who want to invest in the future of our students while demonstrating their belief in the importance of an education. Your thank you letter is an opportunity for you to show your donor you are the kind of student they can be proud to support. Please click below for thank you letter requirements and writing tips.

Application Essay Tips

The Lake Area Tech Foundation requires all scholarship applications be accompanied by a type-written essay of 150 words minimum, not to exceed one page. The scholarship committee reviews many applications and often times a coherent and interesting essay may be the one element that distinguishes you from another candidate. Please click below to ensure your essay is top notch.

Build Dakota/Workforce Scholarship Match Tips

Most of LATC’s Build Dakota scholars earn their scholarship with a Stretch the Million industry partner. Workforce scholars also have industry partners. These scholars fulfill their multi-year work commitment through their industry partner following graduation

It is very important for students and industry partners to find the right match. Please see below for tips to impress the company representatives you meet as well as asking questions that will help you determine which workplace will be a good fit for you.

More Information/Questions

For more information, please email or call:

Brittany Rost, Foundation Scholarship Coordinator
1-605-882-5284  Ext. 252
Jessi Eidson, Foundation Development Officer
1-605-882-5284  Ext. 308
Tracy (Hlavacek) Buisker, Foundation Director
1-605-882-5284  Ext. 268
Melissa Waldner, Business Partner Specialist
1-605-882-5284 Ext. 263

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