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Jenna Hilbert – Alumni Profile

Posted on: June 11, 2024   |   Category: Alumni Spotlight

Why did you choose to attend Lake Area Tech? Actually, I first attended a four year private school that was three hours from home. I grew up in Watertown and knew about LATC but was not interested in attending until I tried the private school for a year and realized it wasn’t a good fit. I then looked at attending LATC, knowing their LPN program was accredited and well-liked. In conjunction to attending classes during the day, I was able to return to the dance studio I grew up in, but this time as an instructor.

Where are you employed today? Family Wellness Center

When was the last time you visited Lake Area Tech? A couple of weeks ago.

What was your favorite thing about Lake Area Tech? I appreciated the smaller class sizes. I felt that was more conducive to my learning style as I was more comfortable asking questions and meeting with instructors outside of class.
Additionally, having the opportunity in nursing classes to be hands on early in the course was beneficial to my learning. We got to learn and practice a lot of nursing skills especially during SIM and lab. By doing that, the material was engaging.

What was the biggest lesson you learned at Lake Area Tech? I learned to take responsibility for my learning. Because I had first attended a private school and did not have the best grades, I had a lot of motivation to do well at LATC. I soon realized the more work I put into school, the better my grades.

What made you want to continue your education? I had a strong calling on my heart to be in the medical field in high school. I truly feel that calling was from the Lord, and I wanted to pursue it and be obedient.

What advice would you give a current Lake Area Tech student? Studying is something that is crucial to one’s success, so do it often! The instructors are there to walk along side students and to help, so take advantage of meeting with them and getting to know them!

What makes you proud to be an Alumni of Lake Area Tech?  LATC has made a positive name for itself. Employers have been impressed and interested to hear I graduated from there because of its reputation.

What advice can you give to Lake Area Tech students that will be entering the workforce? It is truly a sweet feeling to be able to work and serve in a field you are passionate about. For me, that’s caring for patients as a nurse!