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LATI Students Place at SkillsUSA Competition

Posted on: April 24, 2014   |   Category: News

WATERTOWN, SD – Students from the Lake Area Technical College SkillsUSA Chapter recently competed in the South Dakota SkillsUSA annual competition.  Lake Area Technical College students received 10 first place, 10 second place, and three third place honors. Congratulations to the following students who placed in their respective categories:

First Place:

Branden Thyen (Waverly, SD), Cabinetry; Jordan Spilde (Watertown, SD),  Carpentry; Justin Anderson, (Stockholm, SD), Internetworking; Brandon Carpenter (Dell Rapids, SD), Teamworks B; Andrew Harwood (Crawford, NE), Teamworks B; Jason Keltgen (Watertown, SD), Teamworks B; Scott Moeller (Watertown, SD), Teamworks B; Justin Moes (Kranzburg, SD), Welding Sculpture; Seth Carsten (Kimball, SD), Power Equipment Tech; Tom Hamling (Rapid City, SD), Welding

Second Place:

Josh Sime (Revillo, SD), Cabinetry; Jordan Phibbs (Windom, MN), Carpentry; Cory Anderson, (Watertown, SD), Collision Repair Tech; Justin Bach (Belle Fourche, SD), Diesel Equipment Tech; McKayla Reppe (Clear Lake, SD), Internetworking; Tyler Brandenburger (Florence, SD), Teamworks A; Barak Hauck (Utica, SD), Teamworks A; Jordan Phibbs (Windom, MN), Teamworks A; Adam Schroeder (West Fargo, ND), Teamworks A; Austin Larson (DeSmet, SD), Welding

Third Place:

Lance White (Castlewood, SD), Automotive Service Tech; Kyle Jerzak (Watertown, SD), Cabinetry; Adam Schroeder (West Fargo, ND), Carpentry

All first place recipients are eligible to advance to the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference June 23-27, in Kansas City where more than 6,000 students will compete. SkillsUSA is a national organization that serves trade, industrial, technical, and health occupations students in high schools and postsecondary technical Colleges. Nationally, SkillsUSA serves more than 300,000 students and instructors annually.